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  • Writer's picturekrichelleogenic

Welcoming at UNIPMA…

As we, SEA teachers, were complete already, on January 23, 2019 at 11 in the morning, we went to UNIPMA for different schedules. First, Ibu Lusi had a lecture about Indonesia, specifically Madiun, the place where we will live for few weeks. In addition, Ibu Lusi also introduced nasi pecel, the main dish of Madiun, tempe, a very famous Indonesian fried food, and the salak, a popular Indonesian fruit.

Afterwards, we had our BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia Bagi Penutur Asing) class with Ibu Ermi. We learned basic Indonesian words and phrases used to greet, to introduce ourselves and some expressions.

We were even given the chance to practice introducing ourselves during the class.

“Nama saya Krichelle R. Pacheco.

Saya dari Philippines.

Sayah kuliah di Mariano Marcos State University – College of Teacher Education.”

At 12:50 in the afternoon, we dived into the culture of Indonesia through their Indonesian fried foods at Angkringan Rute No. 57 where I also have tried the susu tape (a soya drink).

Finally, at 2:00 PM, the UNIPMA had officially welcomed us. And there we finally met Dr. Parji, M. Pd, the Rector of UNIPMA, Dr. Sigit Ricahyono, the International On the Job Training Head and the members of the International Office Organization of UNIPMA. I am so grateful as they have shown their warm welcome and have given their message to us and also for the welcoming gift – a rose.

After, Ibu Sri Lestari had given us briefing on what will happen in the schools that we will be attending. She told us what and where are the schools that we will be attending and reminded us about our topics.

Moreover, after the Welcoming Ceremony, we were told that Times Indonesia, a news show famous in Indonesia, was there the whole time. I felt honored as we were able to become part of such occurrence, and thus I have felt that we were like welcomed by the whole Madiun.

After series of events, we had some little get together with the buddies and fellow SEA teachers at Sun City Matahari Mall at around 8:00 in the evening.

My fellow SEA teachers and I ate nasi goreng for dinner, while our buddies ordered fries and sliced fried chicken. We had so much fun that we did not even notice the time. We got to know other buddies namely Nafi, April, and Nisa, and we got to play at Bugs Kingdom where we enjoyed basketball, dance arcade and others.

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